Workshop Design of Nonviolent Campaigns

Saturday, 30 January, 2016 - 10:00 to Sunday, 31 January, 2016 - 19:45

Espacio Garapa, c/ Torres 8 local Izq, 41002, Sevilla

Seen from the outside, social change seems chaotic, spontaneous or organic, accompanied by little reason or explanations. But change does not "just happen". In reality, behind many of the experiences of social movements and successful social change are activists with a high level of commitment who put a lot of their energy into planning and organising, into creating power from the grassroots, into analysing how to exercise pressure to achieve the change they want to see.

In this workshop we are going to explore how to design nonviolent strategies and campaigns, making use of a variety of tools and exercises that can help us.


Facilitation: Andreas Speck, activists in nonviolent campaigns


We invite you to bring your lunch to share.

More information:

Registration: HERE


This event is part of the Series Nonviolent January.